Mezuzah Project
The Lashuv HaBayita Mezuzah Project
Like a heartbeat, the words “returning home” have echoed in our minds and hearts for the past year. As we prepare for Summer 2021, we envision dancing on the migrash and walking into our beloved spaces, each of them sacred and full of memory. We are returning home with a new perspective. As opening day approaches, to honor this incomparable moment of anticipation and gratitude, we are excited to launch the next phase of our Chanukat HaBayit fundraising campaign: The Lashuv HaBayita Mezuzah Project (“Lashuv HaBayita”).
Introduced last fall, Chanukat HaBayit is a celebration of our efforts to ensure our beloved camp and community continue to thrive during this challenging time. This next phase, Lashuv HaBayita, embodies the rededication of our summer home. Our goal is to affix a new mezuzah on every doorpost throughout camp. From the Bet Knesset (synagogue) to the Chadar Ochel (dining hall), Bet Kochavim to the Mirpa’ah (medical office), tzevet (staff) living spaces to Omanut (arts & crafts) and all of the doorposts in between, Lashuv HaBayita will revitalize our summer home in a beautiful and meaningful way in anticipation of our return.
The Rededication of Our Summer Home: Sponsor a Mezuzah
We invite you to participate in this important initiative and make a lasting, meaningful impact on Ramah Nyack. The benefits of dedicating a mezuzah are three-fold, as you will:
- honor and sanctify an area in camp that has brought great, perhaps transformative, joy to your family;
- refresh, renew and beautify a space for all to enjoy this summer and beyond; and
- help close the unprecedented deficit imposed on camp by COVID-19.
In the weeks leading up to camp, donors will be invited to participate in the installation of their mezuzah either virtually or during a brief, in-person gathering (adhering to all COVID-19 safety protocols). Soon after the mezuzot are affixed, plaques will also be installed to acknowledge the support and generosity of every donor.
Helpful Tips! Selecting a Mezuzah
When selecting a mezuzah, consider your family’s special moments and memories, or choose to honor your Ramah Nyack experience as a whole by selecting a space that has brought joy to many throughout the years.
Does Kochavim red hold special meaning for your family? Did your child overcome a fear of water and now swims like a fish, thanks to our amazing swim staff? Perhaps your child became more independent with support from our dedicated Camper Care team? Did your teen’s experience living and working at camp help them realize they wanted to pursue a career in Jewish education? Did you meet your significant other at camp?
We will gladly assist you. Please contact us if you would like our help to identify the space that most “speaks to you.” Can’t decide? We are happy to assign a specific mezuzah within the sponsorship category you select.

About the Mezuzot
Yair Emanuel is an Israeli artist known for his use of vibrant color and exquisite attention to detail. Based in Jerusalem, Emanuel designs a wide variety of Judaica, including extraordinary mezuzot. The Ramah Nyack team will select one of these beautiful mezuzot for the majority of the installations. Emanuel’s work will also serve as the inspiration for four custom mezuzot to be created by the Ramah Nyack team for the Camp Entry Gates and Bet Knesset. Sponsors at this level will have the opportunity to work with the Ramah Nyack team to customize a mezuzah for their designated space. We are proud to support an Israeli artist as a part of Lashuv HaBayita.