Summer 2023, Week 5


It has been a liga fifth week at camp for Nevatim! Campers explored the creek in teva and made pickles in bishul. In omanut, chanichim created rainbows using different colored materials, and at drama, we talked about the power of helping others and made our own superhero masks. We celebrated Yom Kindness and spoke about how kindness spreads like bubbles. We then gave out bubbles to different areas of camp to encourage everyone to be more kind. In Shiur, we began learning the song “Eretz Yisrael Sheli,” and during our Shabbat oneg we continued filling our Shabbat boxes by making our own hand-made kiddish cups.



Kochavim had a fantastic week at camp. Campers made handmade pita with chocolate spread in bishul bachutz, had fun relay races in yoga, swung on the tires at low ropes, and decorated doves at omanut. Also, we enjoyed lots of swimming on the Yom Cham (hot day). The big highlight of the week was Yom Adom, a Kochavim tradition, where we all wore red, made red crowns to wear, and paraded proudly through camp! On Thursday we observed Tisha b’Av by learning about kindness. We made  kindness bookmarks and received beads for kind acts. In Shiur, we began by learning about the Torah, how it was written and what’s in it. We then jumped into learning the story of Creation. Each day in Shiur we focused on a different day of creation, and we experienced creation in different ways, from doing scratch art to demonstrate light and dark to using food coloring to see water separate.


Shorashimers were excited to welcome second session campers this week and explore new activities! Our chanichim enjoyed art, reading stories, and playing games during this week’s big storm. We had special programming for Tisha b’Av in our edah. First, we read a book called “Enemy Pie.” Each camper then made a paper chain about something nice they can do for someone or something nice someone did for them. We then attached the chains together and hung them in our home base, Beit Sho. In Shiur, we began with an overview of the important people we will encounter in the book of Bereishit in the Torah. We then focused on the story of Noah. We learned how Noah saved the animals in the ark and how G-d sent the rainbow as a sign.



Nitzanimers had a liga week! Campers enjoyed ziplining at migdal, and they played follow the leader at drama. In ceramics, they made a leaf bowl, and they learned about weight dispersion by building a bridge in Park Mada. In Shiur, we learned the story of the Exodus from Egypt. We talked about the 12 tribes and their traits. We then moved into learning about Moshe and what we can learn about leadership from his story. On Thursday, chanichim experienced camp in a very different way for Tisha b’Av. We spoke with our groups about four different middot (values) – chesed (kindness), simcha (joy), hakarat hatov (gratitude), and kavod (respect) – and completed tasks inspired by each value. We made our counselors laugh, said nice things about peers, and played a card game with different scenarios, where we decided if the actions were kind or unkind. We learned to build each other up, because that is what camp is all about!



We loved welcoming many new campers into our edah this week and jumping into second session. Many Solelimers had lots of fun this week at teva (nature), where they went down to the stream and also planted in the garden. In omanut, campers created abstract art using marbles and paint.We have also been working on our softball and basketball skills. We also enjoyed making pickles at bishul. This week, our Sha’ar campers celebrated Sha’ariah! They worked very hard to prepare songs and dances and performed them for the other sha’ar groups. They did an incredible job! We also had a meaningful Tisha b’Av during which we focused on the theme of ahavat chinam (boundless love) and how we can be our best selves and be good citizens of the world.


Tzeirim had a liga first week of second session! Campers enjoyed creating hamsas in ceramics, and in omanut this week, they painted with acrylic on canvas using a “wet on wet” technique to softly blend colors together and make sunsets. Next week, they will be adding silhouette landscapes to the work. Campers have been improving their gymnastic skills on the balance beam, working on handstands, and swinging over the bars. In Park Mada, Tzeirimers are learning how to use the software Tinkercad to 3D print so we can eventually design and 3D print our own keychains. During Tisha b’Av, we focused on the difference between sinat chinam (baseless hatred) and ahavat chinam (boundless love) and spoke about ways we can spread kindness in our communities. In addition, we wrote thank you letters to people in our Ramah community, as well as outside helpers. On Friday, we welcomed Shabbat by learning Shalom Aleichem and writing Shabbat-o-grams to one another. In Shiur, Tzeirimers have been enjoying their electives. Herozine campers are working on creating their own magazine highlighting different female heroes from Tanach. In Pirkei Avot and Art, campers learned different texts from Pirkei Avot and did art projects showing their understanding of the texts. In You Be the Judge, campers judged ethical dilemmas and learned skills of debate. Finally, in Harry Potter, students found connections between this popular series and different Jewish ideas.



Nevonim campers especially loved archery this week, as well as robotics, and they chose their bechirot for second session. Campers practiced hitting fly balls and grounders in softball and made amazing creations in ceramics. They really enjoyed playing robotics games in Park Mada, and campers learned new songs in tefillah with Amichai the music guy. We also celebrated Sha’ariah with the Sha’ar groups and Yom Adom with our fellow campers from Kochavim. On Thursday we had a discussion about Tisha b’Av, and campers painted rocks with kind words on them that we will scatter around camp. In Shiur, Nevonimers enjoyed their electives, including Children’s Books and Judaism, Hands on Judaism, Bonim Builders, Herozine, Nyack News, The Great Jewish Argument, Superheroes and Jews.

Chalutzim & Bogrim

Bogrim campers had a great fifth week at camp. Chanichim especially loved lower soccer this week, and they had it as both an elective and as a group option. Our campers also enjoyed rikkud, made pita in bishul bachutz and pickles in bishul. They also chose their second session bechirot. We enjoyed tefillah with Amichai one day this week. Each week we explore different parts of the tefillah, which allows campers to better understand the prayers through discussion. This week we focused on Baruch She’amar and Pesukei Dezimra. On Friday, we also decorated siddurim as an edah, elaborating on our theme of Bog-team! In Shiur, campers enjoyed their electives, including Children’s Books and Judaism, Hands on Judaism, Bonim Builders, Herozine, Nyack News, The Great Jewish Argument, and Superheroes and Jews.



We had a truly liga week in Sha’ar! On Tuesday we had our annual Sha’aria, a Yom Meyuchad (Special Day) that was filled with exciting and fun activities for all campers in Sha’ar. The theme of the day was Sha’ar Ba’Metzulot (Sha’ar Under the Sea)! The day opened on the migrash with an incredible musical number performed by our amazing tzevet (staff), who sang sea-related songs and dressed up as chayot yam (sea creatures). Throughout the day campers listened to familiar songs from “The Little Mermaid” and “Moana” all b’ivrit (in Hebrew)! They also learned new Israeli songs and words, all related to the sea and things you can do in the water. For example, they heard a new song called Chasakeh, which is about paddle-boarding, and they learned the word galshan (surf board). The hadar ochel (dining room) was decorated with sea imagery, and tzivei ha yam (colors of the sea). And each bunk beautifully performed their own song, related to the theme, in our very own Sha’ar Talent Show (emceed by our Nevonimers)!