Q: What is Sha’ar?
A: Sha’ar is a Hebrew language immersion program at Ramah Day Camp in Nyack. Sha’ar groups will be embedded in six divisions, Kochavim (entering kindergarten), Shorashim (entering first grade), Nitzanim (entering second grade), Solelim (entering third grade), Tzeirim (entering fourth grade), and Nevonim (entering fifth grade). All aspects of the camp day will be conducted in Hebrew, giving the children an opportunity to gain proficiency as they participate in the myriad activities –swim, sports, arts and crafts, and more — that make the camp day so magical!
Q: My child doesn’t know any Hebrew. Can s/he participate?
A: The program will include children at all ability levels. Your child can be a Sha’ar camper whether s/he knows only a word or two or s/he has already been in a Hebrew nursery, kindergarten, or elementary school environment.
Q: Is there an additional fee for participating in Sha’ar?
A: There is an additional tuition fee of $650 per camper, which will cover the cost of materials and professional staff.
Q: What does Sha’ar mean?
A: The word Sha’ar serves as an acronym for the Hebrew words “Sfat Ivrit b’Ramah” (Hebrew language at Ramah) and means “gate” or “portal.” Talented Israeli and American counselors will be leading the way as these campers go forth – playing, running, singing, sliding and scoring, hakol b’ivrit (all in Hebrew)!
Q: I have some questions. How can I find out more?
A: We suggest that you register your child if you think that s/he is likely to attend, as space is limited. If you have any pressing concerns or questions, you may call the Ramah Nyack Day Camp office at (212) 678-8884.