“Boker Tov, Machaneh Ramah!” (“Good morning, Camp Ramah!”)
Your child’s day will begin at 9:10 AM, as counselors and campers meet up on the migrash (our front lawn) for Israeli dancing and an opening skit or performance. After settling in and unpacking, your child will participate in creative tefillah (prayer) with the edah (division).
Then it’s off to a day jam-packed with great activities. A typical day has seven periods, each approximately 40 minutes long, and might look as follows:
Period 1Sport/Activity
Period 2Instructional Swim
Period 3Sport/Activity
Period 4Lunch
Period 5Shiur* (informal education period)
Period 6General Swim
Period 7Sport/Activity**
* Older campers get to choose a shiur from a varied selection. Some past offerings have included: Learn to Read Torah, Sculpt a Golem, Famous Jewish Women, and Hebrew Ulpan.
** Bechirah (Elective) period for entering grades 4 and up! Each camper chooses a favorite activity or sport and enjoys learning it intensively throughout the session.
By 3:30 in the afternoon, it is time for your camper to pack up, have a snack with the edah and say goodbye. Buses and carpools leave Ramah Nyack at 4:00 PM. We can’t wait to see your child in the morning!
For more on food offerings at Ramah click here.
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