Prospective Families
Special Programs
Zimriyah : Zimriyah, our signature musical performance takes place each summer during one evening at camp. Each edah (division) prepares for this exciting event under the direction of the camp music director. The celebratory evening is a special event for families to come together at camp and experience the magic and joy of Ramah Nyack!
Undernights: Children entering Pre-K through 3rd grade will have a special day of activities in camp with their edah (division). After a fun-filled schedule, with surprise early evening activities and dinner, children will be dismissed at 6:00 PM.
Overnights: Children entering 4th and 5th grades will have a special day of activities in camp with their edah (division). The fun doesn’t stop there; it continues through the night and into the next morning with an evening performance, sleepover at Ramah Nyack, and a special cookout breakfast.
Trips: Entering 6th-9th graders spend 2-3 days each session touring a major city in the Northeast. Campers enjoy spending time with friends on the bus, seeing the sites, and participating in activities tailor-made for the oldest divisions at Ramah.
Festivale: Festivale, a performing arts festival, is held during the last week of camp. Each edah (division) has its time in the spotlight!
Yom Yisrael: Planned by our mishlachat (Israeli staff ), Ramah Nyack is transformed into the land of Israel during this camp-wide event. In a full day of activities, campers experience and explore Israel’s culture, history, unique attractions and delicious food.
Maccabiah: Campers enjoy good-natured competition in sports, trivia, and ruach (spirit) during this exciting camp-wide event. Our annual all-camp relay race brings every edah together to the migrash (main lawn) for the culminating highlight of this incredible day.
Mitzvah Days: Ramah campers are encouraged to give back to their community and to engage in the mitzvah of helping others. In the past, campers have woven blankets for children in need, recorded an original song for a young child with a life-threatening illness, made hundreds of sandwiches at a soup kitchen, and participated in a “Swim-a-thon” to raise money for charity.
Yom Meyuchad (Theme Day) : Several times throughout the camp season, counselors plan special days that incorporate Jewish values and creative theme-related activities, such as: Yom Purim Bakayitz (a summer celebration of Purim), and Yom Teivat Noah (a day of appreciation for animals, rainbows, and lots of water!).
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